A book on scientific, groundbreaking approach to happiness and personal fulfillment titled “The Happiness Formula” by Dr Alphonsus Obayuwana will be launched on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at the MLK Library 1467 E. Long Street, Columbus, Ohio from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.

“The Happiness Formula breaks new ground by introducing a universal unit of measure called the “Personal Happiness Index” or PHI. This makes it possible—for the first time ever—to calculate and assign numerical happiness scores to human individuals by plugging their unique hopes, hungers, assets, and aspirations into an equation,” said Dr Alphonsus Obayuwana, Founder and CEO of Triple-H Project.
Dr Alphonsus Obayuwana has spent the past thirty-five years studying human hope and happiness. In 1979, he was awarded a national research grant and Smith-Kline Medical Perspective Fellowship to develop an instrument for measuring human hope, with the purpose of detecting hopelessness early enough in troubled human individuals so assistance could be offered in time to prevent suicide.
The Hope Index Scale (HIS) Alphonsus created has been used by companies including the Coca-Cola company, General Motors, the Veterans Administration, and many academic institutions inside and outside the United States.
Despite its title, The Happiness Formula is much more than a mathematical equation for measuring happiness. It is a book about life; the relationship between human hope and happiness; how to find, measure and boost them; and, most interestingly, how to confirm the happiest country in the world and even help identify the happiest living human, or HLH. It challenges the World Happiness Report of 2023, debunks three major happiness myths, and then introduces the Triple-H Equation—the simple but profound formula about what makes life worth living. This is a book for happiness seekers and happiness advocates everywhere.
Dr. Alphonsus Obayuwana was born in the historic City of Benin which was once the seat of government in the old Benin Kingdom (now part of modern-day Nigeria) where long ago, his father’s father served as the personal doctor of the King (Oba Ovonramwen). His own father was a teacher to the crown prince and later king (Oba Erediawa) of Benin. It is therefore perhaps more than mere coincidence that Alphonsus became a doctor, teacher, and a coach.
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