On Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, July 30th, Rhema Christian Center, located at 2100 Agler Road, Columbus, OH 43224, will hold their second roundtable discussion of the year, “The Message of Justice.” This conversation, which will take place at 9:30 am daily, will focus on such target areas as Affordable Housing, Policing, Gun Violence, Juvenile Justice, Environmental Justice, and ID (Cards).

“Justice is a hot topic, and some churches don’t believe that the church should be involved in community justice, but Rhema Christian Center believes in justice and wants it to go well for all people,” states Bishop La Fayette Scales, Senior Pastor of Rhema Christian Center.
“Doing justice is the biblical response to what God requires and we are responding to the call.”
Kicking off the conversation on Saturday will be Attorney Bryan Steward (The Steward Firm) and Diane Jackson (Rhema Justice Ministry). Then on Sunday Lois Ferguson (Rhema Justice Ministry) and Judge Monica Hawkins (Franklin County Court of Common Pleas) will join the discussion.
Taking the biblical charge to “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God,” Micah 6:8, Rhema Christian Center is addressing the weightier matter of the law of Justice for the glory of God.
“The conversation is free and open to the public,” says Bishop La Fayette Scales, Senior Pastor of Rhema Christian.
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