Columbus, Ohio today made total votes cast of 205,075 representing 154,400 of returned mailed absentee ballots and 50,675 in-person votes, with 6days to the Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Presidential Election.
Incidentally today, there were noticeable number of young adults and first time voters at the Franklin County Early Vote center on Morse Road, Columbus. Sources close to the center confirmed that “over 50percent of the day’s voters are young adults and first time voters.”
Monday, October 31 has remained the highest of in-person votes this year with 4,480 against 4,432 same day in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Voting at the Morse Road, Columbus, Ohio Early Vote center is now every day, including Saturday, November 5 and Sunday, November 6 till Tuesday, November 8.
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