The Celestial Church of Christ, Columbus Parish, Ohio has been upgraded to Celestial Church of Christ Columbus Cathedral, Ohio, USA.
“Further to the spiritual directive and the resolution by the parish management/administrative Committee that the names of the parish be changed to Celestial Church of Christ, Columbus Cathedral, Columbus, Ohio. USA and the Secretary of State of Ohio has approved the amendment to the parish names effective January 8, 2024,” said founding shepherd, Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist Amos Ojerinde.
“The Columbus parish was registered on May 11, 2010, and has just been divinely directed to change the names and this name change has been graciously approved by the Secretary of State of Ohio USA”.
The shepherd, Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist Amos Ojerinde said that “the year 2024 has been designated as a year to further strengthen the work of evangelism to all individual, families, homes and nationalities in Ohio State and its environs without limit.”
“The Columbus Cathedral is presently worshipping at 2481 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus Ohio with nationalities from Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Serial Leone and Haiti.”
“All members of the Church worldwide in and those passing through the Ohio State are cordially welcome to worship with us at any time as we adopt the worshipping times and systems of the church as laid down by the founding pastor, Reverend Samuel Bilewu Joseph Oshoffa globally.”
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