By Danlette G Washington

Authorities of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources – Division of Wildlife announced on Thursday, June 15, a new method of fishing considered modern and easy.
Speaking to journalists and guests at the Alum Creek State Park, Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted announced to the public that the new technology would be a tool and resource for fishers.
With this new technology, fishers can determine where and when is the best time to fish. They will also be able to determine the water level, temperature, and other parameters before fishing.
The tool was developed by InnovateOhio, the InnovateOhio Platform, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife.
According to Lieutenant Husted, Alum Creek Lake will open to the public for free fish for licensed and amateur fishers in the coming weekend.
During his remark, he mentioned the importance of being outdoors and engaging in fun activities with family and friends. He encouraged residents and visitors to Ohio to use the free fishing weekend for Father’s Day.
Moreover, the lieutenant mentioned that going fishing outdoors with family and friends could help boost mental wellness.
In addition to that, Solomon Curtis, a renowned angler affectionately referred to as “Bass,” spoke about the importance of spending time with family and mentioned his time with one of the father figures in his life, his uncle Greg.
Bass said that the amount of time he spent with his uncle shaped him into the man he is today. He mentioned that spending time with his uncle made him stay out of trouble and more patient and turned him into a critical thinker.
“It kept me out of trouble. And it taught me patience, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making. It also taught me that good things would come to those who wait. And it became my coping skill for the stresses of everyday life,” Bass stated.
In closing, Bass expressed his love for fishing and the time he and his son spent together teaching him how to fish at an early age. He encouraged Ohio residents to go out on Father’s Day weekend and enjoy free fishing.
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