- Changes from Biweekly to Weekly
The City of Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther has announced the expansion of curbside collection of residential recycling containers to weekly service beginning the week of June 12, 2023. It is currently every two weeks.
The expanded city service, versus the current biweekly collection, is expected to increase the amount of recyclables collected by 25 to 40%, divert these items from the landfill, and help meet the manufacturing need for recoverable materials.
“Recycling supports jobs and a circular economy to help our community and neighborhoods thrive,” said Mayor Ginther.
“It is an important tool to reduce carbon emissions, extend the life of the landfill, and meet critical Columbus Climate Action Plan goals for a healthier, more equitable and sustainable community.”
Of the locally collected recyclables, 95% go to businesses in the U.S., and the vast majority of the recoverable materials are used by manufacturers in Ohio and the Midwest.
Climate Action Plan goals include diverting 95% of recyclables from the landfill and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
The enhancement to weekly recycling pickup was identified by Mayor Ginther as a priority in his proposed 2023 operating budget. Since then, the Department of Public Service’s Refuse Collection Division, with recycling collection partner Rumpke Waste & Recycling, have been working on an implementation plan.
“We continuously strive to provide exceptional core service delivery to residents and neighborhoods every day and intend to meet that high bar with weekly recycling,” said Jennifer L. Gallagher, Public Service Director.
“Refuse Collection is a leader in the city’s efforts to reduce and divert recyclables and waste going to the landfill.”
Approximately 22,000 city households will be notified via a letter mailed to their address before June 12 that their recycling pickup day is changing. The city and Rumpke have worked to minimize collection day schedule changes while ensuring timely service will be provided.
In addition, all Columbus households will receive a mailer prior to the start of weekly collection with information about the expanded service and how to Recycle Right by placing acceptable recyclables in your blue container.
“Increasing the frequency of recycling to a weekly pickup is important because it will reduce the amount of waste sent to our SWACO landfill and help families reduce the amount of waste going in their waste receptacle,” said Councilmember Emmanuel V. Remy, Chair of the Environment Committee.
“Columbus residents and businesses continue to improve and increase their recycling habits, and this monumental change will benefit the next generation and beyond.”
Yard waste collection will remain on the current biweekly schedule. Residents are encouraged to reduce the amount of yard waste set out for collection by composting, mulching, and leaving grass clippings on lawns for healthy fertilization.
Meanwhile, the Excutive Director of the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio, SWACO, Joe Lombardi joined the City of Columbus and Rumpke Waste & Recycling to celebrate the implementation of weekly residential recycling service on June 12, 2023 for Columbus residents.
Locally, homes are capturing less than half (40%) of the materials which could have been recycled meaning that most materials arriving at the Franklin County landfill every day have the potential to be diverted through reuse, recycling or composting.
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