By Okon Ekpenyong
Ohio First Lady Fran DeWine, On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, met with expectant and new mothers during the weekly Moms2B meetings at the Epworth Methodist Church, Karl Road, Columbus.
Moms2B Program, offered through the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, provides:
* Weekly car seat safety.
* Prenatal and nutritional education.
* Improve the health status of at-risk communities
* Empower pregnant women to deliver full-term, healthy babies
* Reduce the number of low birthweight infants
* Reduce infant mortality, and
* Eliminate racial and economic disparities.
In addition to providing Thanksgiving turkey and meat during the holidays from Ohio Poultry Association Farms to the women in Moms2B, Governor Mike DeWine, and First Lady Fran DeWine have supported the program for years.
In 2021, the United Nations reported that a child or youth would die once every 4.4 seconds, while at the same time, 1.9 million babies were stillborn. As high mortality rates persist among pregnant women and infants in low-income neighborhoods, local doctors, counselors, and Ohio State University OBYNs are joining forces to provide new parents with life-saving tips.
The professionals offered recipe ideas for mothers and showed them how to keep their kids in car seats, recommending that babies sleep on their backs and away from toys and pillows.
Family members can take advantage of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio program in all of Ohio’s 88 counties for free, and Moms2B participants can also receive reading materials that nourish their children’s minds and help them develop motor skills.
One-on-one with Kami Dixon, the Director of Moms2B:
“Based on the data provided by the CDC, we know that there are huge disparities between infant mortality rates and racial inequality regarding women’s health problems,” Dr. Dixon said.
“Women with non-Hispanic ancestry are three times more likely to die during pregnancy. African American babies in Ohio are three times more likely to die during pregnancy.”
In the latest update of the World Population Review, Ohio ranks 7th with a 7.2 percent infant mortality rate. Because of such a high percentage, “Moms2B also works with Dads2B through Urban Family Development Center to provide prenatal educational sessions to fathers to educate them about maternal health, favorable family structures, and infant health,” Kami Dixon, MD, the director of Moms2B.
Both organizations offer the following resources to help expected and new parents:
* Being A Great Parent
* Safe Sleep Guidance
* Supporting Mommy During Pregnancy
* A Positive and Healthy Family Environment
* What to Do When the Baby Comes Home
Updates from Moms2B & Dads2B website:
Ohio ranks 39th in the nation when it comes to infant mortality according to current statistics! Ohio’s Department of Health reports that preterm birth accounts for 30% of infant deaths, followed by congenital disabilities (19%) and sleep-related deaths (14%). Whether you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, Moms2B can help you learn tools that will empower you to make healthier choices for your baby and ensure a healthy, full-term pregnancy.
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