Columbus-Ohio based nonprofit, Afrique Business Network will hold a Business Network Night on Thursday, June 23, 2022, at 565, Metro Place, South Suite 300, Dublin, Ohio from 6pm to 8pm.

Afrique Business Network President Tayo Oresotu said three speakers have been lined up for the night, including Dr Yohannes Debesa, a Senior Advisor for Pinnacle Elite, Brent Carroll, Retail Market Leader for First Merchant Bank, and Tifffany Witner, Community Business Lending Officer for First Merchant Bank.
The event which is free admission will provide free consultation with lawyers, public chartered accountant, and medical experts.
Event sponsors include Matraco Staffing Solutions, First Merchant Bank, and InkWell Columbus.
Afrique Business Network is a network of Africans and other tribes coming together for jobs, business opportunities and personal development.
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