By Okon Ekpenyong
There are different types of traumas you or someone you know may have experienced or are currently experiencing. We have holistic ways of dealing with it, or sometimes medicine is one of the best ways of helping an individual cope with such a traumatic or unfortunate event in their lives. Another coping mechanism is practicing yoga, which focuses more on body and consciousness. It also originated from India and very common in Hinduism.

On June 14, 2021, the Mayor of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Joseph Begeny, proclaimed June 21, 2021, as an International Day of Yoga in the city, an effort of Councilmember Bhuwan Pyakurel.
Councilmember Bhuwan Pyakurel spoke so highly of Yoga and how it has helped him coped with some of the toughest moments in his life. This led to a class on Yoga with Munish Arya on Monday, June 21, 2021, with an interview. Munish is a Health Coach/Yoga Master and has been practicing for more than twenty years.

Is Yoga a way of life or a way to exercise and meditate?
Yoga is pure scientifically way of life.
Which kind of Yoga do you teach?
My favorite segment of Yoga is the Pranayam (Breathing Technique)
What are the benefits?
Absolutely! Anyone who joins Yoga gains immense benefits through regular practice
Is it an alternative form of healing and medicine?
Regular yoga practice (Aasan and Breathing Techniques) heals the disease even if these are many years old.
What are the inspirational moments?
There are many moments I can speak about. As a teacher, my unforgettable moment is when I saw my 3-year-old nephew doing asanas with me in the morning with the incredible dedication
As a student, the most unforgettable moment is when I first started doing Yoga in 2005 due to the severe accident and dislocation of my shoulder and fracture in the elbow. Yoga did the miracle to me at that time, and I practiced Yoga for 4-5 hours daily and since then, no turning back, my life got the new meaning, and I feel what I am today is because of that moment when my yoga guru’s few words changed my life.
Why did you start teaching Yoga?
I started teaching Yoga to make a difference in people’s life. I want people to realize the full potential of their body, mind, and soul. I emphasize the quality of learning, consistent practice, and following the mantra to do something good for humanity every day.
June 21st as International Yoga Day
People oppose Yoga just for the sake of opposing without knowing the potential benefit yoga can bring to their body and the entire universe
UN proclaiming an international day of Yoga
Now people are more aware, and especially youth seems to get attracted. Youth now feel Yoga is incredible, and they have included it in their daily lifestyle for the last few years.
Yoga promotes respect
Yoga brings body, mind, and soul in harmony, and once we feel ourselves in the equilibrium state. Also, we think dutifully towards the family, country, and towards the universe and entire nature. Yoga brings an urge of belongingness to each other.
Absolutely, I highly recommend practicing Yoga for each human being as I realized its full potential only after I went through the traumatic experience. Yoga (Aasan and Breathing Techniques) heals you physically and mentally by realizing your full potential and the positive vibes and energy you stay in every day. Especially, anyone who is going through an injury or a traumatic experience like me, Yoga is the best medicine one should follow under the supervision of an experienced yoga master. I have helped people in the past and can assist if they come up with any questions.
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