- $60 million CARES Act grants available to providers for reopening
- Campground to reopen May 21
- Gyms to reopen May 26
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has announced that beginning Sunday, May 31, 2020 childcare providers in Ohio will be able to re-open, with reduced numbers of children in each classroom and intensified cleaning and hand washing practices, with more than $60 million reopening grants available to providers.
“Our goal is to have the safest childcare system in the nation. One that nurtures the health and continued growth and development of our children and one that protects the health and safety of our childcare workers and teachers,” said Governor Mike DeWine.
“We know that Ohio’s childcare providers will need assistance as they reopen. Ohio is utilizing more than $60 million in federal CARES Act funding to provide reopening grants to all of Ohio’s childcare providers.”
He said, “this includes family childcare, childcare centers, and both publicly funded and private providers. All are eligible for this grant program.”
According to him, “moving forward, childcare is going to look different for children, parents, and teachers as long as COVID19 is around. But we must get this right, or we run the risk of exposing more individuals.”
Governor Mike DeWine also announced the reopening of campground, Bureau for Motor Vehicles, gyms and non-contact sports.
- Campgrounds can reopen on May 21st if they can meet safety protocols.
- Gyms and fitness centers can reopen on May 26 if they can meet safety protocols.
- Ohio_BMV will reopen on May 26 for certain services. Services that can be accomplished online should still be done online.
- Day camps can reopen on May 31st if they can meet safety protocols. Protocols will be released by the end of the day tomorrow.
- Low-contact or non-contact sports can resume on May 26 if they can meet safety protocols.
- Horse racing can resume on May 22 if safety protocols can be met. However, spectators will be prohibited. This does not apply to casinos and racinos.
On the spread of the virus through water, Governor DeWine said, “there is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas. Proper operation/maintenance (disinfection with chlorine/bromine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in water.”
In response to the reopening of childcare centers, the Ohio Association of Child Care Providers Executive Director Mary Ann Rody said, “on behalf of the 60,000 child care guy providers and the 285,000 children who rely on us for care so their families can work, we are grateful to the Governor for re-opening our programs and underscoring his confidence in our ability to operate safely.”
“Ohio’s child care providers are well equipped to reopen safely and are critical to ensuring successful reopening of the state – because we are truly the workforce behind Ohio’s workforce.”
“With highly regulated, routine sanitation and hygiene practices in our everyday operations, we are experts in keeping children clean and healthy. We look forward to returning to work, serving Ohio’s working families and providing a caring, educational environment for our kids again on May 31,” she said.
(Detail protocols on coronavirus.ohio.gov)
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