- Establishes Testing Strike Team
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has announced the approval of $1.6 billion by the board of directors of the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation, to pay as dividends to Ohio employers.
“This dividend is intended to ease the impact of COVID-19 on Ohio’s business community and the economy,” said Governor Mike DeWine.
“The first round of checks are now being mailed to employers who can invest that money into the needs of their businesses. A total of more than 170,000 checks will be mailed over the next five days.”
According to him, “Approximately $1.4 billion will go to private employers and nearly $200 million will go to local government taxing districts, such as counties, cities, townships, and schools.”
“As we continue to work through this pandemic, Ohioans are coming together to find solutions to assist our small businesses and the people who work for them.”
Also, he said that “JobsOhio, Peoples Bank headquartered in Marietta, and the recently merged First Federal Bank and Home Savings Bank (headquartered in Defiance and Youngstown) are announcing a partnership to support those banks’ existing small business clients in Ohio.”
“The partnership with these Ohio-headquartered financial institutions will help small businesses maintain operations and payroll during the COVID19 pandemic. JobsOhio has committed up to $50 million to assist Peoples Bank and First Federal-Home Savings Bank.”
“This assistance bolsters each bank’s ability to provide additional financing on favorable terms for local businesses in good standing that would otherwise not be able to access this credit due to the COVID19 crisis.”
He said that “Eligible businesses can use the loan for working capital, including payroll, rent, mortgages or other fixed debts, utilities and other bills.”
On testing, Governor DeWine said that, “Testing is vital as we work to get our economy restarted and keep Ohioans safe and healthy. I’m announcing the formation of a Testing Strike Team led by former Governor Richard Celeste and former Governor Bob Taft.”
“They will work with Ohio leaders from business, academia, and public health to be part of the effort to help us source critical testing items such as reagents.”
“I am so grateful that they have agreed to help the state of Ohio as we move forward. They will use their skills, networks, contacts, and life experiences to help us in the critical mission to get testing supplies and expand testing in Ohio.”
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