Columbus Chamber of Commerce has announced the tenth cohort of the Elevate Columbus Program.
Elevate Cbus is a six-month series that encourages the development of skills like open communication, giving and receiving feedback, securing a mentor, and building rapport.
Elevate Cbus is facilitated by Founder & CEO of The White Stone Consulting Group Andrew Kingery.
In 2019, the Columbus Chamber launched Elevate Cbus, designed to elevate business professionals. By promoting professional growth through a six-month series of programming, participants will master the business communication skills necessary to elevate themselves throughout their professional career.
Registration Criteria
- Up to two participants per business.
- Rolling registration process on a first-come-first-serve basis with a maximum of 40 participants. Once we exceed that limit, you will be put on a waitlist.
- One series per month for six consecutive months.
- Each series will focus on a topic relating to best practices when communicating in a business-to-business setting.
- Group will be facilitated by Andrew Kingery, White Stone Consulting, with additional guest speakers that are experts in their respective fields.
To register for our next Elevate Cbuss Cohort, visit
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