With 3days to welcoming Little Amal, the internationally celebrated 12-foot-tall puppet of a 10-year-old Syrian refugee girl, who will be arriving in Columbus on Friday, September 22 as part of her epic 6,000-mile journey across the United States this fall, Columbus City Councilmember Emmanuel Remy has described Columbus residents as hospitable and welcoming.
“We are a welcoming community, and we are proud to show that with our welcoming of Little Amal,” said Councilmember Emmanuel Remy, whose office, together with CAPA (Columbus Association for the Performing Arts), the City of Columbus, Mayor Andrew Ginther’s Office, Columbus City Council, US Together, Welcoming City, Bell Tree Productions, and Zen Genius. The event is presented with funding support from PNC Arts Alive is presenting the Little Amal Walk.
“Little Amal’s visit to Columbus, Ohio is a once in a lifetime opportunity to join an international movement right here in our own community! I encourage all of our residents and families to join us on September 22nd for the festivities and to help welcome her to Columbus.”
Councilmember Emmanuel Remy described his response to the walk of Little Amal to Columbus saying that, “when I heard about the opportunity to bring Little Amal to Columbus, I knew I wanted to be involved. I was excited to help sponsor the work being done to welcome Amal, as well as have my office staff involved with the planning.”
“We hope you join us! Welcoming Little Amal to Columbus is easy to do, because Columbus residents welcome our new neighbors and friends to our community every single day.”
Little Amal, the internationally celebrated 12-foot-tall puppet of a 10-year-old Syrian refugee girl, will be arriving in Columbus on September 22 as part of her epic 6,000-mile journey across the United States this fall. Throughout the two-month trek, which will span more than 35 U.S. cities and towns for 100+ events, some of the country’s most influential cultural institutions and artists will come together to greet Amal and add their unique color to the rich tapestry of America’s story.
People from throughout Central Ohio are invited to greet Amal and participate in her journey through Columbus. Activities, including the opportunity to make welcome signs and love notes for Amal, as well as paper craft-making to commemorate the occasion, will begin at 5 pm in Genoa Park in Downtown Columbus.
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