By Okon Ekpenyong
Numerous Republican candidates, including former President Trump and former Vice-President Pence are entering the 2024 presidential race like wildfire, reminding us we may see a repeat of the 2016 Republican primary.
No matter which party wins the 2024 general election, the United States needs assistance in understanding diversity and inclusion before selecting its next leader.
For some wanting things to return to how they used to be will only push us backward. Having more power and control rather than making a difference is another dilemma. It is necessary to bring together community leaders from diverse ethnicities to talk and solve problems. However, we still lack that fire to make a difference when there are divisions within ourselves because everyone is trying to gain control and power.
If more candidates decide to run for office, they should first read Mark 12:31, which states, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself; there is no greater commandment than these.”
Homelessness, mental illness, gun violence, alcoholism, and drug addiction are rising, and the lack of cultural understanding between both parties when interacting with people from different backgrounds, religions, and sexual orientations is also on the rise. Yes, the United States has 59.1% Caucasians, including those from Europe. Still, minorities and those who are slightly different are one of the main pillars of this country.
What does it mean when you have a conservative or liberal mindset? A conservative philosophy typically involves holding traditional values and beliefs and resisting change. A liberal perspective, on the other hand, consists of being open to new ideas and experiences and having progressive views on social and economic issues. And so, should I read the old testimony only and ignore the “new” testimony? Jesus was not fond of many ancient ways when he came down to earth.
Understanding the Constitution of the United States is like reading the Bible at times. However, one cannot ignore the laws or the commandments because it is necessary to have a better governing and fairer democracy. There is both old and new testimony, so each new season is a reset from the last, and you are still hungry for success if you open your mind to studying all of the candidates on both sides of the aisle before deciding.
While candidates may appear sincere when visiting minority communities to converse with potential voters, will they ask how you feel mentally if another George Floyd incident arises? In some countries, speaking out against what you believe in gets you in trouble, so speaking freely in the US is one positive thing, but is it free? Many celebrities who apologized for their previous comments did not sit well, with many would not have had to do so if it was true.
“Until those who commit violence, corruption, or division realize that there is an alternative way to resolve conflicts, the madness will continue,” said a Columbus resident.
It is also essential to address the lack of understanding of critical race theory and how damaging it can be if you try to ban history. Black Lives Matter was a global movement. If you ignore it, perhaps we should avoid discussing the 1920s, especially what happened to the blacks in the South or the Holocaust. It happened, and we have to learn from them. Whenever there is another worldwide crisis, we need to understand why it happened and what we can do to prevent the issues the community is fighting against.
We learn in Romans 1:18 about God’s wrath against human ungodliness and unrighteousness regarding censorship. Another passage I came across was Titus 1:10-11. It states that there are many insubordinate, empty-talking, and deceiving people, especially those from the circumcision party. And “those who teach what they shouldn’t teach for shameful gain must be silenced since they upset entire families.”
According to the latest data from the US Census Bureau, as of July 2022, the United States of America has 333,287,557 million residents. African Americans or black immigrants make up about 13.1% of the population, Hispanics make up about 18.9%, two or more races make up about 2.9%, native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders make up about 0.3%, Native American or indigenous people make up just 1.3%, and Asian-Americans make up about 6.1% of the population.
Even though this country consists of about 59.1% whites, minorities, and other groups are a significant pillar of this country.
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